Phil Coutinho Return a No-Go, No-Brainer
Sorry to ruin anybody’s excitement with bad news, for some, but rumours circulating today that Phil Coutinho might make a return to Liverpool FC in the summer are clearly wide of the mark for a number of reasons:
The rumoured return fee of 77 million is still a lot of money and when considering the profile of player that FSG are willing to spend good money on then there is no chance that they will pay that for a player who will be 28 in the summer. FSG look for young players with a high re-sale value whenever they part with big money for a player, this has been very successful and It is highly doubtful that they would change this strategy – the only way they would change it is if Klopp really pushed for it and there is absolutely no evidence to support the idea that he would except for the unidentified s‎ource of the original article which spawned the rumours today.
Having looked into this story we were not surprised to find that the story first appeared in the Express. To put it fairly mildly, they are the absolute worst of the worst when it comes to made up stories. I mean, this is the paper who over the last few years were releasing stories that Suarez would return to Liverpool on a weekly basis without fail. Honestly, if you see an Express story on Liverpool, just move swiftly along, it’s 100% rubbish. We have nothing against the Express, they are what they are, but we do retain the right to call them out on their silly, click-bait, stories.

To add to this, Coutinho left under pretty poor circumstances, during the summer before he left for Barcelona he tried to force a move, despite practically being begged by Klopp to stay – somehow I don’t think Klopp is the type to forget about such things too lightly – When Coutinho finally did move the following January he refused to play for Klopp to force the move, who can forget his “back-sadness”? Add to this the fact that Klopp has said multiple times that he would not be signing Phil, we think it is fair to say that this simply will not be happening. So don’t be Duped!